What should I do if I suddenly have floaters or flashing lights in my vision?

Floaters and flashing lights are usually symptoms of an eye condition called posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). Although it can cause some frustrating symptoms, PVD does not cause pain, harm the eye, or change the way the eye works. In the vast majority of cases, PVD will not lead to long term changes in your vision. For further information on PVD see What is posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)?

Importantly, these same symptoms can be an indication of a more serious problem, such as a retinal tear, which needs urgent attention. You will not be able to tell the difference between floaters and flashes caused by PVD or retinal detachment. The only way you can tell is to have your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist or optometrist.

If you have anything unusual happening with your vision, you should make an appointment to see an ophthalmologist or optometrist as soon as possible to have your eyes examined.

For further information on floaters see What are floaters?

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